How to make money from league of legends

Posted: cash-industry On: 07.06.2017

Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here. When you're finished, check out the boards to join in the latest League of Legends discussions. I've actually always been curious about this.

I know you can win prizes in tournies, but I know some streamers make money streaming from ads. How did that happen? Did someone just come up to them and say "Hey, you're good. Broadcast your stream and input this programming to run ads about my company, and I'll pay you," or something?

I don't quite understand it. Also, can you get paid money if you're not on a team?

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Get good and popular. But you'll become a no life in return.

It's not worth it. I already am a no life. When I sleep I dream about LoL. I spend my meals sitting at my computer browsing this forum or studying gameplay on my main champions and roles. At work I think about strategies or questions I have for the community.

Like, I honestly don't have that many friends anyways. I have no children.

I have no family. I'm a very private person. And my love life is already a-okay. I'm planning on going back to school soon on an online college so I can work at my own pace. Sounds like it'd be a very nice long term goal, actually.

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It's usually endorsements and marketing. But how does that come about? Anybody that gets enough viewers on their stream will automatically make money from the ads put there by the hosting site.

how to make money from league of legends

Good players are popular because they stream and consistently stay on the top of the ladder. Some players like videogamingdunkey are natural entertainers, so they get contacted by companies to endorse their products and to continue making videos.

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It's more along the lines of "Hey I found this streaming service, I'm going to stream my games". Then people started watching it, then more and more, until the provider of the service decided to offer payment for adds shown on the stream since the user gets so many viewers.

It is now a widespread idea but you have to meet certain criteria to be able to make money off of your stream. You have to have something like consistent viewers for a month and a few other things. People who make money streaming arn't always on teams, as your stream is yours. Good luck getting enough viewers though to make money, because you either need to be a beast at this game high 2k elo range , a hot girl, or on a professional team.

I imagine it works like any other form of advertisement on the internet. X company buys Y amount of ad views for Z money. If you don't consistantly have 1k or so viewers on your stream, and don't run ads consistantly, you won't really make money. Also, companies like Alienware target computer gamers, so having top players in popular games advertise for the company is a very good strategy for increasing revenue. It all works in a circle.

Riot Games, League of Legends and PvP. Home Forums League of Legends General Discussion. Welcome to the Forum Archive! How do you make money playing LoL? Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it. Advertisements on stream and sponsorships, as well as playing in tournaments obviously.

how to make money from league of legends

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