Lancashire grid for learning ict assessment

Posted: sPoul On: 13.06.2017

Welcome to the Assessment section of the Lancashire Grid for Learning.

Here you will find the latest assessment news, information on courses and resources to help you with your practice. Courses provided by the Assessment Support Team can be viewed by visiting the LPDS Website. KS1 Writing Moderator Training Materials. Assessment related DfE documents for are available here.

KS2 Writing Moderator Training Materials.

KLIPS Frequenly Asked Questions FAQs. Please click here to view a colection of Frequetly Asked Questions relating to KLIPs regarding their implementation and use.

Primary Computing and ICT support : Computing/ICT Progressions EYFS KS1&2

Explanatory Notes for Parents Explanatory Notes for Parents , produced by Karen WIlliams. For children at the end of the EYFS, click here. For children at the end of the KS1 and KS2, click here. KS1 Produced by the DfE. This can be found here. News about PIVATS; publication of the new PIVATS 5.

Letter from Karen Williams we have been reviewing and re-writing PIVATS to align this with changes to assessment and the revised National Curriculum, and are very pleased to now be able to offer the new PIVATS 5 materials on CD for reading, writing and mathematics. The Early Years Exemplification Folder.

LGfL Assessment :

Based on the new Early Years Foundation Stage Framework launched September Contains examples of EYFS assessments with a commentary and supporting evidence so that teachers can ensure that there is consistency and reliability in their judgements. Click here to order the Early Years Exemplification folder Now! Sample pages from the Early Years Exemplification folder are available here. Courses provided by the Assessment Support Team can be viewed by visiting the. Alternatively if you you would like an in-school consultancy then please contact for further information.

Assessment for Learning Communication with Primary Schools Communication with Secondary Schools EYFS Moderation Examples of reporting formats for the end of the EYFS Fischer Family Trust General Guidance KS1 Materials Lancashire Parental Questionnaire Lancashire Pupil Attitude Questionnaire Lancashire ROSE Reports Online for Self Evaluation Lancashire School Information Profile Links Lancashire Value Added Project PIVATS Primary Assessments Resources and Publications Year 6 SATs Training videos.

Welcome Welcome to the Assessment section of the Lancashire Grid for Learning.

lancashire grid for learning ict assessment

Key Stage 1 Conversion Tables Teachers mark the KS1 tests and calculate the raw scores each pupil achieves for each test. To convert raw scores to scaled scores, you need to use the conversion tables.

The DfE have provided information about the National Curriculum tests which is aimed at parents and can be viewed here. In June the DfE will also provide a leaflet to explain how and when the tests and assessments will be reported to parents and how the results are used. Moderation for the EYFSP, KS1 and KS2, and reminders about KS2 tests. Lette r from Lee Pimlott reminding schools about this years statutory monitoring and moderation requirements.

The link to the KS2 test start times proforma is also included. In April , The Department for Education DfE will be launching a new service which will provide schools and other existing user groups with detailed performance analysis to support local school improvement as a replacement to RAISEonline.

matters - Lancashire Grid for Learning

When the new service is available the DFE will contact Schools with the link to the new site as well as information regarding Secure Access log-in. In addition, the DFE will also be providing a couple of short videos to get users familiar with the new service.

The full article can be accessed here: The Lancashire Assessment Support Team will keep Schools up to date with this development as it happens. Support and training sessions will be planned upon the release of the new system to help Schools further with this.

In addition the LSIP will continue to be produced and we will be working with Schools in the next term to look at ways of enhancing and developing this popular data package in time for the next academic year. Again further information will be provided in due course. For non-Lancashire Schools interested in the LSIP please contact the data team on If you have any queries about this news item please contact RAISEonline at: Release of CAT and KS4 Prior Attainment and KS4 Catch Up Pages.

Reading and Writing Years Years 1 KLIPs exemplification has now been completed for reading and writing and mathematics for Years 1 — 6 and can now be ordered. The primary purpose of this resource is to provide an aid to teachers when using the Lancashire KLIPs assessment materials, when making judgements in a more summative way i. As Lancashire KLIPs are aligned to the national curriculum, they may also help schools in considering wider issues such as appropriate pitch against the new NC expectations.

In addition, they will provide a touch stone for reference when teachers are taking part in their own internal and external moderation activities, for example local cluster moderation. You can order the English and mathematics exemplification separately.

lancashire grid for learning ict assessment

KLIPs Exemplification can be ordered by completing the form at the following link: KLIPs Exemplification Order Form. A list of planned Assessment Courses for You can find further details, including course descriptions here. EYFS Explanatory Notes for Parents , produced by Karen WIlliams. KS1 and KS2 Explanatory Notes for Parents , produced by Karen WIlliams.

This can be found here KS2 Produced by the DfE. Print friendly version Top of the page.

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